Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ingredients Spinach Recipe Chicken Soup with Corn

  • 1 liter chicken broth (use 10-15 pcs chicken claw and other chicken parts for the manufacture of broth).
  • Chicken breast filet sebnyak already at 250 grams. Cut tiny little with cubes with a size of approximately 2 cm-3 cm.
  • Fresh carrots are a great size as much as 2 pcs. Peeled and cut into small dice small (the size can be equated with the chicken pieces on top).
  • Clean and fresh spinach as one big bundle. Wash, remove stems and leaves part of its course.
  • Fresh sweet corn as much as 1 piece. Take the corn grain alone.
  • Local garlic as much as 1 pcs. Peel and finely chopped onion skin (later to spice stir-fry).
  • Onions are a great size as much as half pcs. Peel and roughly chop.
  • Subtle nutmeg or mace powder as much as a quarter of a small spoon or teaspoon.
  • Refined iodized salt as much as a teaspoon or a small spoon.
  • Fruit Clove 1 pcs.
  • Fresh celery 1 or 2 rods, tied.
  • Pepper or as much as a quarter teaspoon powdered small. Can be customized if you do not like spicy.
  • Fresh onion leaves as much as 2 pcs. Wash and thinly sliced thin.
  • Cooking oil for frying marinade to taste later.
How to Make Easy Spinach Sweet Corn Chicken Soup

  • The first step boiled chicken cutlet with broth that has been made. Simmer over medium heat until soft flesh of his cock and mature.
  • Lift his chicken meat and put it in a different place.
  • Take a frying pan and turn on medium heat tends to be small.
  • Fill with a little oil, put chopped and sauteed onions and chopped garlic until fragrant her.
  • Boil the chicken broth over again and enter stir onions on top. Stir briefly until well blended.
  • Enter the celery, a quarter spoon of pepper, cloves, nutmeg powder and one teaspoon of salt. Stir all ingredients until well blended and boil.
  • Enter the carrot and his sweet corn grain. Stir again until carrots and corn feels soft.
  • Finally enter the vegetables (leek and spinach). Stir and cook until slightly wilted briefly wrote. Do not be too long to cook spinach her.
  • It was not difficult was to make variations of chicken soup recipe above. With a blend of various spices herbs, its savory chicken broth and several kinds of vegetables make Chicken Soup Recipe Spinach Sweet Corn feels tempting to dish our family. For an idea of other delicious dishes and good for the family, please try to make Sauteed Kale Recipes Recipes Condiment or Mushrooms Sauteed Calamari. Good luck. Do not forget to share also to friends and other family yes.