Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ingredients and Recipes Jerky Balado Padang

  • The main material used is 1 kg of beef. Use beef tenderloin in part or other parts that have little fat content. Boil the meat until boiling to remove impurities so it does not need to be washed and then drain briefly about 15 minutes.
  • Medium size large garlic cloves as much as 6-7. Peel the skin and rough o'clock pm (geprak) 3 pcs onions to the stew and the remainder smoothed to marinade the meat to make it more pervasive.
  • Fruit deaf approximately 3 pcs just not a lot - a lot.
  • Local red onion medium size large as 3 cloves. Peel the skin and puree for the marinade ingredients.
  • Refined or white pepper powder of approximately one small spoon marinade for materials.
  • Coriander is approximately as much as a small scoop or teaspoon to marinade ingredients. Puree.
  • Salt to taste to the marinade ingredients.
  • White granulated sugar to taste to the marinade ingredients.
  • The water is clean enough to boil the meat dendengnya and to make seasoning rendamannya.
  • Large red chilies 3-4 pcs. Wash and halve to be disposed of contents and roughly mash mashed (seasoning Balado).
  • Curly chilies 5-8 pcs or according to taste. Wash and roughly mash mashed (seasoning Balado).
  • Iodized table salt or less as much as a small spoon (seasoning Balado).
  • Medium sized orange leaves as much as 3 pcs (seasoning Balado).
  • Local red onion medium size large as 8-9 cloves. Peeled and sliced thin (seasoning Balado).
  • Acidic water of approximately two tablespoons of seasoning mix baladonya (made from 2 teaspoons tamarind and 4 tablespoons of water).
  • Taste cooking oil for frying and sauteing meat jerky seasoning Balado.

How to Make Jerky Recipes Tasty Crispy Balado

  • The first step is to make beef jerky.
  • Prepare the pan again and fill with water to taste. Enter as many white pepper 1 teaspoon, which already digeprak garlic, salt to taste and fruit pekak. Stir stir briefly so that all the ingredients are well blended.
  • Enter the beef that has been previously boiled in a pot on top. Boiled beef until tender while in the back and forth. Remove the bacon and drain after being cooked and cut into pieces according to taste. How to cut meat properly is to follow the flow of the meat fibers.
  • While waiting for the meat jerky diaatas mature, we can prepare the ingredients for the marinade meat.
  • Take the container again rather large and spices for seasoning enter rendamannya materials (garlic, onion, cilantro, sour water and white pepper).
  • Pour enough water and stir stir all ingredients are well blended so.
  • Add salt and sugar to taste and then stir stir again so that all the ingredients are well blended.
  • Take meat that has been cut into pieces and at at slightly with a blunt object to make it more tender and slightly widened and flattened shape.
  • Enter the above meat in the marinade seasoning container until all parts covered by water. Let stand for about 50-60 minutes so that the spices to infuse into it.
  • After soaking the meat fried in a skillet over which contain a lot of oil over medium heat until meat is somewhat blackish color (black guard lest charred). Lift after being cooked and drained. Repeat for all the meat.
  • The second step is to make the seasoning baladonya.
  • Prepare a medium frying pan over low heat and add the oil to taste (of approximately 6-7 tablespoons).
  • Enter the sliced onion and fry until cooked.
  • Enter the red chili and cayenne pepper that has been mashed / pestle rough, iodized table salt, acid water and orange leaves.
  • Stir stir until all ingredients are well blended.
  • Insert meat jerky seasoning into baladonya. Stir briefly stir again until all ingredients are well blended.
  • Remove and serve baladonya jerky.

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