Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ingredients Recipe Crispy Oyster Mushrooms

  • As the name suggests, the main ingredient needed is 400 grams of good quality oyster mushrooms. Rinse the mushrooms then squeezed so that the water level is reduced and random pieces by hand (shredded shredded) large the desired size.
  • Good quality wheat flour of approximately 600 grams. 500 grams later used to make his coat and 100 grams to make dyes.
  • Approximately as much baking powder 1/2 teaspoon for upholstery material and 1 teaspoon to make celupannya material.
  • Garlic is a great medium of approximately 2 cloves. Peel the skin and puree for celupannya material.
  • Pepper or powder of approximately half a small spoon / tea for upholstery materials and a little to the mixture celupannya. Can be removed, added or subtracted sesua tastes.
  • Cornstarch approximately 50 grams for upholstery materials.
  • Instant chicken broth powder form for the coating material of approximately half a small spoon so that the oyster mushroom flavor kriuknya more savory.
  • Iodized table salt to taste.
  • The water is clean enough to pencelupnya material.

How to Make Crispy Crunchy Savory Oyster mushroom

  • The first step is to make the material pencelupnya. Take the container and enter 100 grams of flour, baking powder, garlic paste, salt and pepper powder.
  • Mix all ingredients until blended perfectly true.
  • Give enough water or approximately 250 ml. Mix and stir stir all ingredients until smooth and there are no lumps. Taste first and add other ingredients if necessary.
  • Now make the coating material mushroom recipe. Take the container and enter 500 grams of wheat flour, cornstarch, pepper, chicken broth, salt and baking powdernya. Stir stir until all ingredients are well blended.
  • Now the manufacturing process. Enter oyster mushrooms that have been washed into the batter celupannya.
  • Enter oyster mushroom that has been dipped into the coating material. Scroll oyster mushrooms into it smapi all closed flat portion.
  • Prepare a frying pan on medium heat and add the oil a bit much sampia really hot.
  • Enter crispy oyster mushrooms that have been given a coating material and fry until cooked yellow or brownish. Drain briefly before serving.