Monday, November 9, 2015

Potato Cheese Cake recipe Pukis - Serving delicious cakes and delicious is a skill that must be held for a mother at home. Sometimes making a delicious menu in accordance with the wishes become a challenge. We want to assist you in presenting the best menu for people you care about. Info Cake Recipes that this time we update for you may be suitable and helpful for your reference needs, Recipes to Make Potato Cheese Cake Pukis presumably can be alternative

In the process of making this a menu that requires patience and precision, when will you pour the seasoning in it. If you can follow the steps you must easily be able to make

Cake recipe Pukis

Pukis potatoes were sown cheese melted on it produces a very delicious taste in the mouth. Well, addictive deh bring happiness to the people who eat it.

Ingredients / spices:

• 1 teaspoon instant yeast
• 50 ml of warm water
• 3 eggs
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 125 grams sugar
• 225 grams of cake flour
• 100 grams of steamed potatoes, mashed
• 100 ml coconut milk from coconuts 1/2
• 15 grams of margarine, melted
• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence
• 100 grams of cheese, cut to length

Processing Method:

• Dissolve yeast and warm water. Let stand 10 minutes until frothy.
• Blender potatoes and coconut milk until smooth. Set aside.
• Beat eggs, salt, and sugar until fluffy. Enter the flour sifted and shaken gently at low speed turns with potato mixture.
• Add the instant yeast solution. Gently rock. Let stand 30 minutes until fluffy.
• Enter the melted margarine and vanilla essences. Stir well.
• Pour the mixture in the mold pukis preheated and margarine spread thin. Let the half-baked. Tata pieces of cheese on it. Cover and let it mature.
• For 30 pieces

That was information Pukis Potatoes Recipe Cooking Cheese Cake that we convey to you. If you carefully pay attention to the steps and the necessary materials, surely this dish can be varied dishes that are good for the people you care. Continue the spirit of yes, in cooking and never give up. Do not forget also to read information from the rest of us about  Cwie Mi Malang thank you for visiting our website may be useful and a nice day.