Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Materials and Seasoning Kale Cah Oyster Sauce Recipe

  • The main ingredient needed is a 2-3 tie fresh kale. Wash thoroughly and cut the bottom to take the leaves and stems kangkungnya most part.
  • Onions are as many as half the size pcs. Peeled and cut into thin thin to stir.
  • Garlic is a great medium as much as 2 pcs / cloves. If you can use a local garlic. Peeled and cut into thin too thin to stir ingredients.
  • Local red onion medium as much as 4 pcs. As seasoning cah kale above, peel onions and cut into thin thin to stir ingredients.
  • Condiment of approximately 1 tablespoon tek or taste. Fuel before use so much better.
  • Great oyster sauce by about 2 tablespoons.
  • Instant chicken broth of approximately 2 tablespoons to make it more palatable.
  • Large red chilies of approximately 2-3 pieces. Cut a thin thin beforehand.
  • Smooth or powdered pepper to taste.
  • White granulated sugar to taste to taste.
  • Clean water is mature enough (of approximately 2 cups medium.
  • Adequately iodized salt to taste.
  • Margarine or vegetable oil for frying spice marinade to taste later.

How to Make a Simple Recipes Kale Cah

  • First we sauteed onion and garlic that have been cut thin thin using less oil.
  • Stir stir over medium heat until the smell fragrant small of both the onion mixture.
  • Then enter the chili fruit pieces that have been cut pieces as well. Stir briefly.
  • Then enter kanggkung leaves already cut the bottom. Stir briefly stir again until all ingredients are well blended or until slightly wilted leaves kangkungnya.
  • Add water to the frying pan on top. Stir again briefly.
  • The next step enter the already burned shrimp, oyster sauce, pepper and broth sediki his cock. Stir again until all ingredients are well blended.
  • Add salt and sugar sand. Stir briefly until all ingredients are well blended.
  • After the leaves wilted spinach true and water that had been inserted slightly reduced, try to taste the moment. Add more salt, sugar and oyster sauce if needed.
  • Done already how to make kale cah oyster sauce. It was not too difficult right Cah kale recipe how to cook simple with oyster sauce and garlic on top. Results becomes no less tasty and delicious with kale cah we usually buy in Karapitan or other eating house. To the idea of cooking with kale other materials, please try to make Cah Recipes Kale Kale Sauteed shrimp paste and Condiment Recipes.