Sunday, January 4, 2015

Materials and How to Make Skin risoles

  • The main ingredient for the manufacture of leather risoles is 500 grams of wheat flour.
  • Liquid milk of approximately 1 liter so that the result is more savory.
  • Chicken eggs are a great size as much as 5 pcs.
  • Salt that has sufficient iodine content (of approximately 1 small spoon).
  • Vegetable oil or cooking oil new taste or can be replaced also with melted butter (of approximately 1 spoon to spread and 7-8 spoons make mixed with other ingredients).
  • The first step for the manufacture of leather risoles recipe is egg whisk.
  • Beat egg chickens using a mixer and add 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • Pour the prepared liquid milk and stir the mixture using a spatula or another until all ingredients are well blended.
  • Pour the flour which has been weighed little by little into adoann above until the dough runs out and flat and a bit slippery. We recommend mixing process using a hand (in knead).
  • Enter liquid margarine or oil that has been prepared above. Stir stir again by hand until all ingredients are well blended and feels a bit slippery.
  • Let stand for a while so that the batter fluffier and cover it with plastic or fabric uppers.
  • Prepare a frying pan over low heat. Brush with a little oil and pour the batter a little to make thin risoles thin skin. Do it until all the dough is finished.
Filling Material and Supplementary risoles Delicious and Easy Recipes
  • Fresh red carrot medium size large amount of 2 pcs. Wash and peel the skin. Then boiled briefly and cut into small pieces for stuffing with cubes.
  • Chicken meat that has been cooked approximately 300-350 grams. Can also use fried chicken meat. Cut and shredded thinly shredded for stuffing cake risolesnya.
  • Local red onions are large size of 4 pcs. Peeled and cut into small small for stuffing.
  • Potatoes are a great size as much as 1-2 pcs. Peeled and boiled briefly. Then cut a small square little box.
  • Large chicken egg 1 egg medium to spread into the flour panirnya.
  • Garlic is a great medium as much as 4 pcs. Peeled and chopped into powder for seasoning stir.
  • Wheat flour to taste (approximately half a glass). Give water to taste and mix until mushy.
  • Smooth or powdered pepper to taste.
  • Liquid milk approximately half jigger.
  • Boiled water to taste.
  • Salt, white sugar and margarine to taste (for sauteing spice marinade).
  • Tepun panir or bread flour to taste (of approximately 250-300 grams).

How to Make Chicken risoles

  • After making the skin risoles above, now we will make the stuffing.
  • Saute onion and garlic that has been finely chopped with margarine taste. Stir stir until fragrant smell.
  • Enter the flour that has been given over to the spice water stir. Stir stir until all ingredients are well blended.
  • Enter the taste of boiled water (about 1 cup or glass). Stir briefly stir until mixed with the flour mixture.
  • Enter the carrots and potatoes that have been previously boiled and cut into small pieces small. Stir again until well blended.
  • Insert slices of chicken meat and stir stir again all the ingredients until well blended.
  • Stir in carrots and potatoes stir until completely cooked through and then add salt, pepper and sugar to taste. Stir stir again until smooth.
  • Enter the milk and stir again. Wait until thickened and stuffing materials rather shrink.
  • Take risolesnya skin and taste the contents of the above premises stuffing material. Lengkatkan and wrap with egg white.

Beat the eggs and raw risoles enter into it. Roll in flour and sprinkle his panir on it until all parts are covered.
Let stand before you fry for approximately half an hour.