Sunday, January 4, 2015

Wedang cup is one of the traditional drinks, derived from the word meaning wedang drinks and a cup which means wooden cup. cup of wood that makes this drink became red. And the warmth of this drink in a can of ginger rhizome which is very fitting for We enjoy when the weather is cold like now ..TO trying to make it, you can read the tutorial below.

Materials Wedang Secang
  • 10 grams cup
  • 2 stalks lemongrass, white part, roasted, crushed
  • 150 grams of ginger, roasted
  • 6 cm cinnamon
  • 10 grains of cloves
  • 2 grains of cardamom
  • 200 grams of sugar cubes
  • 1,750 ml of water

After all the above ingredients you prepare, you can easily why this takes a toll on traditional drinks without needing a lot of ways that you do, here's how to make it.

How to make Wedang Secang:
  • Boil water, cup, lemongrass, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, clove, nutmeg leaves over low heat until fragrant. Lift. Filter.
  • Add rock sugar. Serve warm.
  • To 7 servings Wedang cup that we get from the recipes that we make today.