Friday, October 23, 2015


             Spicy grilled chicken with herbs that sweet soy sauce. Let gan see How to make a roasted chicken sauce savory spicy tasty jg delicious nan.

Materials & Chicken seasoning grilled meat dishes typical of Indonesia ni fairly simple and easy on the can, his usual ingredients already in your refrigerator lohhh, you stay just buy fresh chicken, this means that the most practical for grilled and also fast. Recipes ni can be made dishes daily as a family meal, grilled chicken could once paired with the know, vegetables, tempeh jg soy sauce and spicy chili paste.
grilled-chicken-recipe-special spicy grilled chicken
Mothers at home can quickly burn with her, just as has the typical Kalasan / taliwang also, if carefully follow the tips dr Yng least somewhat complicated is preparing arson, tuk tuh grilled meat, but tuk yng get something special flavor, full of struggle must agan dong, like who wear yellow spice tuhhh, hahahehehhehe. mother, is her recipe tips and tricks our delicious spicy grilled chicken. Which One is bad do you think Wear yellow spice, honey, soy sauce or just ya?.
Seasoning ingredient recipe:

1 whole chicken that is fresh, -more fitting cut 8 pieces
1 tea spoon of salt
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 stalks lemongrass, -in geprek / dimemarkan
5 lime leaves
2 cm galangal, -in geprek wrote / crushed
4 bay leaves
8 tablespoons soy sauce, -brand any kind
4 tablespoons tamarind water java
250 ml coconut milk, - (dr 1 coconut)
2 tablespoons of cooking oil, -merk any kind
Ground spices Grilled Chicken Recipes Specials:

7 cloves of garlic
10 spring onions
1 tablespoon coriander,
3 large red chilies
2 teaspoons cumin, first
1 cm fresh ginger
2 cm fresh kencur
1 cm turmeric, - in the first fuel
2 tsp salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper
3 tablespoons brown sugar, powdered iris -diiris
Tips on How to create a recipe tips Grilled Chicken Specials:

- First of all fresh chicken should be washed clean, then coat degn lime juice that has been provided and jg salt, let stand for 15 minutes, then wash again, then drain until dry.
- Now Heat a little oil, saute the ingredients are blended before until fragrant, then enter too chicken lemongrass, lime leaves, galangal and last leaves, cook the chicken until the meat changes its color.
- If you have changed the color of the water Put tamarind also add soy sauce to taste just above her, stir-stir until chicken is tender, then please lift.
- The last step that determines - Roasted / grilled chicken until dark / cooked (must use the feeling), at the time of baking spread with remaining seasoning. finished deh tips spicy grilled chicken.
Previously read also yes recipe grilled chicken honey here or recipe grilled chicken seasoning salad, hmm finish also food specials ni, everything can be done alone or help from others, is the most exciting and steady burn of grilled chicken when event-do so it will be more exciting and santapnya with spicy soy sauce. Soo visitors, if you like on the article processing / Special sauce recipe Grilled Chicken, with this sauce can be used for honey, the yellow spice, soy sauce, try to share dong to anyone.